
即將⾯對後新冠病毒時代,空間環境潔淨已經來了⼀個翻天覆地的改變。此時此刻,保持潔淨與開懷,精神煥發,是⼀個不可分割 的美學概念。
要時常保持警惕,不停消毒很煩⼈,如果能夠時刻被 99.9% 無形消毒保護包裹起來,⽽同時間積極護膚,舒緩及提升五感,除消滅細菌、病毒之外,將優質精油、護膚級營養和環保消毒劑的精華融入優雅的美膚消毒概念,這就是確保⽣活更美好、⾝體更健康、活得更暢快的重新演繹!

All-Natural Antivirus
Hand Sanitizer

Look after your HANDS in a world of ambience hygiene now!
Hands disinfection. Kills 99.99%viruses,
germs and bacteria.
World Health Organisation standards. Contains 75% premium quality Ethanol (plant based alcohol), from Germany.
A light dose of hydrogen peroxide to completely eliminate any bacterial spore for adding extra protection.

Blended by professional aromatherapist and perfumer with 5 quality French antiseptic essential oils - Niaouli, Lavender Fine, Saro, Black Spruce and which
can effectively fight against viruses, bacteria and allergy. Aromatherapy
to soothe the senses and
refreshes the mood.

Nourishing skin with organic Glycerin
and Vitamin E.
Suitable for all skin types, including eczematous and allergic skins.
Works as mosquito repellent, especially
when outdoors.

All-Natural Antiseptic
Hand Soap

Soaping your hands is the new order of the day in a world of ambience hygiene!
Traditional Castile soap making method. Using 3 types of plant oils with ECOCERT - extra virgin coconut, extra virgin olive and jojoba oils as soap base and the “cold saponification process” to create this wonderful soap.
Perfect for anti-oxidation and fighting free radicals.
Excellent skin affinity which forms a good protection film.
Blended by professional aromatherapist and perfumer with 5 quality French antiseptic essential oils - Niaouli, Lavender Fine, Saro, Black Spruce and Bergamot, effectively fight against viruses, bacteria and allergy.
Adding a dulcet fragrance to hands
while aromatherapy to soothe the senses and refreshes the mood.
Contains rich vitamins A and E, deeply nourishes dry and chapped skin, adding softness for hands. Organic Glycine and Aloe Vera in the formula to add extra layer to keep your hand from getting dry after washing.

No artificial ingredients and petroleum by-products.
Suitable for all skin types including eczematous and allergic skins.

Biodegradable to minimise risk of harming the earth.

All-Natural Almighty Sanitizer

Ambience hygiene ready, set, GO!
Food grade ethanol (75%) destroys 99.9% of viruses (including coronavirus), bacteria and germs, and contains premium French blended antiseptic essential oils to strengthen the respiratory system and enhance overall antivirus effects.
Food-grade ethanol with 5 French premium essential oils - cinnamon, cedar, lemon, palmarosa and magnolia - formulated by professional aromatherapists and expert perfumers - can effectively fight against infection, with antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal functions. Ideal for ambient purification effectively improving surrounding odor, disinfecting personal items, and purifying the indoor environment. Delightful and refreshing scent to soothe and calm the mind.
Ambient sanitizer for the most intimate objects and air purification, effectively removing unpleasant odours. Effectively soothes and calms the mind.

Use freely on your hands, your hair and personal items including clothing, handbags, yoga mats, pillows, sofa, cushions and plush toys, as well as public areas and surroundings such
as toilet cubicles, trains, aircraft cabins to thoroughly purify, disinfect, remove odours while calming the senses and the mind.